Flaming Talons Clan Home Page
We are the Flaming Talons. We loot and destroy all that oppose our will. None stand before us. We have found none that are worthy enough to enter an alliance with. Though small, we are strong. Though unknown, we will soon be feared through this quadrant and beyond. We have destroyed weak Zerg, Protoss, and Terran factions. We now are rising up to challenge worthier opponents. We will not back down. We will not go back to the darkness that we came from. Soon all shall tremble before our might, even those that scoff at us, thinking us as a baby clan. All shall feel our wrath if they oppose us. And if you ally with us, do not think you are safe. If you deceive us, our wrath shall be all the more greater. If you harm us, we shall rend you to pieces. We do not forgive those that defy us, we do not forgive those that backstab. We are mighty, and soon, we will destroy all that are weak, and only allow the strong to survive.

Our will is law, do not forget this.